About The Story

Allison is a person without dreams.
She knew they were fantasies that hardly happens, so she dare not dream.
This is her story of finding things she never had.

   I tried to go back to reading my book. But now, it is not curiosity- it is rather much more like "WHY". I guess it could count as curiosity if you want.

   I looked over my book, he was still sketching. He decided to finally pay attention to me and smiled. He showed his sketch to me.

   "You should really smile more, Allison."

   I shrugged, but before I moved back to my book, I swore the sketch of me with a bored face actually smiled while turning its head sideways. I immediately looked back up to the book and it was back to normal. I frowned as I realised I might be going mad. Spencer shrugged as he turned over to a new page so he can sketch more. Should it be considered weird?

   The bell rang, whoosh, saved by the bell. That class was torturing me. Even though I finished. It is not the class, but my tummy. It couldn't stop gurgling or whatever it does. What is the word? Right, grumbling. This school is the most awesome school EVER.

   The canteen was at the ground floor, right in the middle of the garden area. The garden area had a mini waterfall and pond, it had wooden tables around there with umbrellas. Inside the canteen, as you know- the school have a lot of funds, was not some dirty canteen, the tables and chairs were just amazing. They are all white or nice light yellow circle tables that are huge with normal chairs that were clean white. There were enough tables for everyone. The food stalls were neat and clean and served the most amazing delicious food. Even though its not an air con room, so what? I sat at the corner after buying my food, the corners had these small square tables meant for four people.

   I ate it while writing notes. I have to study so I can keep my grades going, my mom would be proud. And guess what? Not trying to be mean, but the three exchange students came to my table, and I was a bit sad. But I could make friends right? Right. Those three chit chatted like they known each other for years. And once in a while I catch Spencer staring at me. Weirdo. I did manage to chit chat with Samarah. The girl with brown hair. She actually likes the same books as I do so we manage to chit chat kinda well. I grinned as she said she loved the same bands as I do. She was not bad at all.

  Recess was okay I guess. When we went back to class, it was chemistry. We had to go to a different class to do todays project, and in pairs. Before Spencer could even get up, I asked Samarah to be my partner. Lucky. Honestly, I just find Spencer like a creep. But anything could change. For the first time, I felt mean, so I stopped labeling him as mean but un-known. I don't know him at all!

  Well Samarah is the outgoing loud and surprise surprise- a person who failed. But not badly. So we helped each other. I help her with her studies, while she helps me with courage. For the first time in years, I felt happy for knowing someone.

   I fought with myself, they are not mysterious what so ever. They are new here, what can you expect?
I don't blame them, oh well. Just have to deal with it.

  Honestly the group work turned out pretty okay. The Ros actually did a lot of it, I wrote it out and edited it while that Spencer dude re-wrote it on the paper we wear meant to hand it. He had a nice handwriting for a dude. We handed the project maybe half an hour early. I was satisfied actually, now I can do anything. I was just about to leave the table so I can go to my seat with eagerness when suddenly,
   "Groups, please stay in your groups first. Even if you finish."
     Oh well. I just tiptoed to my bag frantically looking at the teacher so I won't get caught. I took out my book "Young Achiever's Secrets EXPOSED". I love the stories, very inspirational. I tiptoed back and just fell on the chair, I just want to read. As I was reading, the Ros were talking about some lip gloss. I was ignoring them, but I felt disturbed, not by them, but by some sound when a pencil is pressed down hard. I looked over my book delicately as I look over at the other groups, all of them are quiet, so where is the sound coming from?

   I looked at our group, I realised Spencer was sketching something. After knowing that, I was able to ignore it. Ever heard the phrase "Curiosity Killed The Cat"? I am curious what he was sketching, but I might get killed, so I resisted it. I tried to focus on my book as I hummed to myself. But I couldn't help it.

 I stood up quietly from my seat and tip toed over to Spencer's, I did a tiny gasp that I'm sure he heard, but he ignored my presence. He was sketching me! I knew it was me because I wore this signature navy blue ribbon all the time. In the sketch I was looking straight ahead but I didn't look like I was focusing, more like dreaming about something. I was a bit creeped out and went back to my seat.

   Curiosity definitely did not kill the cat, but creeped the cat.

   I assured myself they aren't bad right? You can't hate someone or something without knowing them.
So I tried to get a first impression of them.

  Samarah, I think, was in a wreck. She was sweating in the classroom like mad, that had air con, our school had funds for it. Her hair was nice though, but her eyes were wide opened and her legs look like, what I call, jello. Spencer had clean cut hair and wearing a branded watch, he looked bored. Guess he was some I-don't-care-I'm-Rich kid.  The black hair girl, who I found out is named Kylie, was trying her best , I believe, to concentrate. But she ends up doodling or sleeping. Well it is first impressions, so I can't really label them yet though. That would be mean.

  It was English Lesson by now. I took out my notebook and started to write notes, but my concentration lowered and my eyelids got heavy. I slapped my cheek lightly to keep awake. The next thing I knew, the notes are all on the board, and I didn't even wrote them. I fell asleep. Just..wow. The board was full of notes I didn't take note.

 "Class, I'm going to erase the board in a minute, better write your notes if you want"

   I usually don't write all the notes, but I had to this time. I was asleep during the time she went through. So I picked up my pen and went to "I CAN DO THIS" mode. I scribbled notes, switching coloured pens so it can be neater, only took a second to switch. I wrote and wrote. One last page of notes to write.

 "Going to erase it now, hope you wrote them!"

   Everybody was doing their own stuff by now. Time to do my thing. I wrote that last batch with my messiest yet fastest handwriting, that is still readable and better than a lot of people. Hah, I finished before she even reached them. Am I fast or what? Or is the teacher just slow. Mission accomplished!

  After the teacher finished erasing the white board, she wrote things to do.


  • Hand in all the forums we gave out yesterday
  • Give out homework
  • Do group work for today's notes [ Groups Of 4 ]
   Group work? First time for this year I heard that sentence. Hopefully the teacher will group us.
Next thing I know I am grouped with Spencer the rich kid and the two best friends who call themselves the Ro(s) apparently. Well it fits for them since they are named Roo and Rosanne. When you hear people talking about just Ros, you know its them. They are nice though.

   I still have that bad feeling, that Spencer ( don't forget Samarah and Kylie even though they aren't in my group ) is some what evil or bad. Oh well.

 The hall was full of silence. Only the sound of the fan being heard.
It was full of students reading their books, waiting for the principal to come and read the big announcement. I can't concentrate on my book, it's not bad, I'm just not in the mood.

  Whispers started as the principal finally appeared, is she going to do yet another boring lecture?
The principal, Mrs Mia, tapped the microphone before beginning her announcement.
"Good morning students! Quite sunny today isn't it? Well all of you are gathered here because of what you probably guessed, something important"

  The students in sighed a little because they knew it would most likely be something boring. Nap time for some I guess.

  Mrs Mia a little disheartened by our response continued in a bit less cheery tone,
"Well as you know, the average person in each class is 40. All classes are filled. Except for 3 classes in the Secondary 3 level. Thats why we accepted 5 foreign exchange students."

  She paused for a few seconds to get some thought. She cleared her throat and continued,
"We hope you greet them well. Don't misbehave okay?"

 And she bowed and left to go to another meeting.

   As all the students rushed out in a hassle, I walked calmly as I knew that this won't affect my high grades. I have good grades but have nothing to do with them.

  No dreams to inch nearer to or friends to talk to. Thats life! I sat at my seat, sorting my books. My teacher, Mr. Will, greeted us in a flat tone. Boring. I am a person who is usually attentive , but I couldn't care less today. I know that I was in one of the classes that lack 3 students, how wonderful. The other two only lacked 1 student, why do we bother about the number of students?

  The two empty chairs beside her were now occupied by a girl with the most brown and curly hair and the other by a boy with jet black hair that looked messy. And what about the third one? By the window, she had light skin and a face that belonged to a baby. Her hair was black with slight blue highlights.

  I didn't focus on their introductions much. All I knew that the girl with brown hair is named Samarah and the boy was named Spencer. The girl with the baby face and blond hair? Didn't remember. I had a bad feeling in my gut.

  Dear World,

 I have no stress.
No dreams.
Nothing to aim.
What does it feel like to feel loved by friends?
I do have family, that are hardly home.
My big sister died long ago.
All my dreams shattered.
They came to an end.
Can you tell me.. what it was like before she left?
Is it normal for parents to be gone almost 24/7?
Is it okay not to have friends?
This is life I guess. Just going to study for now,

      Allison <3

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